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Learning Reiki

Awakening Your Inner Healer - Reiki Level 1

The structure of the class includes initiation, discussion of ethics and values, treating yourself and others, and giving Reiki to plants and animal companions. 

You receive a Certificate of Completion, a Reiki First Degree Practitioner's Manual, and a guided self-treatment meditation CD that you will use daily for the following 21 days.

Grace’s experience and many years of training and giving reiki attunements helps her understand and honor the emotions the Reiki attunement may evoke for both the student and the teacher. You will leave the class with self-confidence, knowing that the ability to heal is an innate part of who you are and that you have the ability to do it.


Students who complete Reiki Level I with Grace will be able to attend all subsequent Reiki Level I classes and practice circles at no additional cost.

Tuition: $300 per person.

Reiki Level 1: Services
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